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Hi guys,

This recipe was inspired by my MUM- she told me she made something similar and I just adapted the ingredients a little to what I had in my fridge

minced chicken, roasted cinnamon pumkin, zucchini mash

minced chicken: In a pan with some spray olive oil:

500g chicken + 1 chopped onion

tomato paste

fresh parsley and corriander

bay leaf


Once it was cooked I put in in a loaf tin and on top went a layer of ย cinnamon roasted pumpkin and on top of that a raw layer of zucchini- into the oven it went…

I took my doggy for a walk and 40 mins later I was in FOOD HEAVEN!! I also got a BIG thumbs up from my roomate ๐Ÿ™‚

The pumpkin had been pre- roasted from the night before and i mashed it in my blender. The zucchini was raw and that also got mashed in my blender!

So this is the workout I did yesterday… and boy am I feeling it today!!


warm up on the bike + dynamic stretches

glute firing exercises: supermans, glute bridge, hip thrust ( 3 sets of 20 reps)

* step ups with a side leg lift- super setted with bench jumps ( stand with the bench inbetween your legs and power up onto the bench) 12- 15 reps ( 3 sets)

* squat jumps onto a bench and back into a push up x 10 reps ( 3 sets)

* weighted back lunges super setted with jump lunges ( 10 reps on each leg x 3 sets)

* goblet squat 15 kg – 12 reps x 3 sets

* 2 sets up 1 chin up 1 push up x 6

Interval training:

GYMBOSS set for 30 secs on 15 secs off x 12 rounds

the following exercises:

*1 leg burpees

* turnover pushups ( pushup- flip over so your tummy faces the sky and flip yourself over again so you;re back in a push up position)


cool down and stretch

