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Who doesn;t love leg day??

maybe guys.. but I’m pretty sure 99% of girls LOVE LEG DAY!!!

Mine started off like this:

Shakshuka  ( 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites) and one of my granny’s meatballs for dessert.

A little later I had a pre-workout cofffee…

I noticed last night that all the teenage girls at the gym come in their luminous coloured tracksuit pants and shoelaces..OR worse- STOCKINGS underneath shorts + the luminous trainers/ shoe laces or whatever it is.

So, even though I am about 12 years older then them-teenages know whats in style right??? I decided to rock my lumo pink and sequins today…

I think it looks a little better when you actually work out… not stand over the water fountain giggling and making eyes at some 16 year old boy working on his biceps.

My workout:

as usual… a few warmup sets of glute bridges and supermans



-front loaded back lunges

-Hip thrusts supersetted with toe taps

– Single Leg deadlift

-goblet squat supersetted with jump squats

– Single leg burpees

Post workout:




p.s what are your thoughts on work out shoes?? i love to weight train in my chucks!